Home Hunting Products A good kind of rodent

A good kind of rodent

by admin

rodentThere’s a rodent in the tackle box, but don’t worry, this one will catch fish.

Strike King Lures’ Rodent is made from a blend of soft plastic ingredients infused with large amounts of salt and a coffee scent that masks human scents and oils.

According to Strike King, the Rodent is designed to make a big disturbance below the surface, making it a good choice for fishing in waters with heavycover.

It works on a Texas rig, Carolina rig, or as a jig trailer, Strike King says.

Its bubble-tipped appendages and soft plastic tails stir action action in the water and will punch through vegetation.

The 4-inch Rodent is available in 16 colors and sells for about $5 for a pack of six.
www.strikeking.com <http://www.strikeking.com

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