Home Instagram It was long and had multiples. 18 + total inches

It was long and had multiples. 18 + total inches

by DJS

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[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.lsonews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/It-was-long-and-had-multiples.-18-total-inches-on-three-beards.-That-was-a-great-one-to-pick-out-@br.jpg” size=”large”]

It was long and had multiples. 18 + total inches on three beards. That was a great one to pick out @brentvogler. #lonestaroutdoornews #turkeyhunting #cantstoptheflop #longbeard #benelli

Tagged: benelli turkeyhunting longbeard cantstoptheflop lonestaroutdoornews

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