Home Texas Hunting Historic West Texas 80,000-acre ranch to hit market

Historic West Texas 80,000-acre ranch to hit market

by Lili Keys

Story from Icon Global

The Turkey Track Ranch, called the Prize of the Panhandle, will be listed for sale by Icon Global and its broker, Bernard Uechtritz.

The ranch was pioneered in the era of legendary WT Waggoner, 6666 and Goodnight ranches. Boasting almost 80,000 acres under one fence and some 26 miles of Canadian River frontage, the ranch is a rare confluence of natural resources; containing an abundance of water, productive fertile grasslands and diverse wildlife — set within rolling and rugged topography of mesas, draws, valleys and vistas interposed with open rangeland —epitomizing the western ranch lifestyle and famed fertile buffalo plains of yesteryear. 

For the first time in over a century, this rare combination of history, heritage and natural resources will change hands. The momentous decision was announced by the owners, the Whittenburg and Coble families. 

“We have enlisted Bernard Uechtritz of the Icon Global Group in Dallas to bring the Turkey Track to market in the latter half of 2021,” the families announced. “The ranch has and will forever hold not only the monuments, memories, and legacies of our now multigenerational families but, significantly, maintains a very important place within the well-chronicled chapters of early Texas and U.S. history; similarly, the ranch and its past stewards hold a prideful and acknowledged position of contributions to the evolution of modern-day ranching and cattle raising industries, as well as the oil and gas sectors of our great state.”

WT (Tom) Coble and later James (Jimmie) A. Whittenburg III, were two of the stewards. Each was a past president of The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. Tom Coble was a contemporary of Dan and Tom Waggoner of the Waggoner Ranch, Samuel “Burk” Burnett of the Four Sixes Ranch, and Charles Goodnight of the JA and Goodnight Ranch. Coble recognized the infinite resources of the Southern Great Plains. He created a cattle kingdom that was sustained by thousands of acres of grass. A winner of the Cattlemen’s Beef Association Environmental Stewardship award in 2016, the Turkey Track is also held in high esteem by industry. 

The property is the site of the two famed battles of the Adobe Walls of 1864 and 1874, and this hallowed ground —just north of the Canadian River — is revered by descendants of all combatants. In June of 1924, a 6-acre site was given to the Panhandle Plains Historical Society commemorating that month the 50th anniversary of the second battle of the Adobe Walls. In 1941 a monument dedicated to the Native Americans who fought and died in the Battle of 1874 was also erected. Both monuments stand within the ranch today. 

“I have had the privilege of marketing many great ranches, and this is one of the greatest,” Uechtritz said. “It sets a high bar in terms of value and is incomparable among its peers. This ranch is not famous for being famous, but for being private. It has never been marketed or commercialized as a brand, nor has it been controversial. It is simply revered and respected for being good, diverse, stout, and solid. It is both beautiful and productive and has been well managed at every level, evidenced by its cattle carrying capacity and abundance of wildlife. Its natural resources and position in history are unparalleled by anything recently sold or on the market and it’s truly a One of One. It is without question not only the ‘Prize of the Panhandle’, but one of the last and great dynastic, legacy ranches of its kind.” 

For information, visit Icon Global or call (214) 855-4000.

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