Home Hunting Products Stack the deck with Evolved Harvest 7 Card Stud Seed Blend

Stack the deck with Evolved Harvest 7 Card Stud Seed Blend

by Lili Keys

Written by Source Outdoor Group

d plots not only draw and hold deer for hunting, they also provide much-needed nutrition to help them reach their potential. Unfortunately, many hunters who have access to land either give up on food plots or are too intimidated to start one because of all the unknowns.

Evolved Harvestâ„¢ has taken the guesswork out of planting food plots with 7 Card Studâ„¢, the most adaptive food plot mix available today.

Whitetails don’t eat the same foods year-round. As the seasons change, their nutrition needs change, too. A food plot with just one type of plant will be most effective when deer are looking for the nutrition benefits of that particular plant. That means most food plots are at their best at just one time of year. The blend of forage variety in 7 Card Studâ„¢ covers early, mid and late seasons to attract and hold deer throughout every hunting season. The triticale, oats, winter peas, clover, chicory, turnip and radishes provide a blend deer can’t resist.

To get deer started on your plot, 7 Card Studâ„¢ combines oats and triticale, two of the best grain forage plants that produce tons of high quality deer forage. Evolved Harvestâ„¢ oats and triticale were bred to regrow quickly under heavy browsing pressure while producing high protein and highly palatable, longer-growing forage than other grain crops. Selected for their ability to adapt to a wide range of soil types, these plants establish rapidly and are a whitetail favorite.

Clovers, meanwhile, are the number one food plot plant, and Evolved Harvestâ„¢ hand selected the clover blend for 7 Card Studâ„¢. Deer will flock to this protein-packed forage to get the nutrients they need all season long.

Then, about the time football gets going and the temperatures start to drop, deer will be drawn to the forage chicory in 7 Card Studâ„¢. It provides up to 30 percent protein and a burst of valuable minerals. Chicory plants have a long taproot that allows them to be extremely drought resistant. It’s also a perennial that can survive for many years.

Another early fall plant in 7 Card Studâ„¢ is winter peas, often referred to as the ultimate cool-season forage treat for deer. Unlike many other cool season forages, winter peas are sweet as soon as they pop out of the ground. They’re also cold tolerant, making a good transitional draw between fall and winter.

Finally, deep into the fall when many states have their firearms seasons and things get chilly, whitetails turn to brassicas. The high yielding forage turnip brassicas in 7 Card Studâ„¢ deliver some of the highest levels of protein and mineral content of any annual forage available on the market – up to 38 percent. This forage turnip has been adapted to a wide range of soils and weather conditions and will provide abundant large-leaf and root forage into the winter months.

Another brassica in 7 Card Studâ„¢ is daikon radishes, a high yielding forage with up to 20 percent protein. Unlike turnip radishes that rely on the root ball for most of their draw, daikon radishes provide lush green foliage and withstand heavy grazing pressure. Deer will devour the leafy green tops as well as the entire radish and roots. Forage radishes also help improve soil conditions by aerating and adding organic matter to the soil as they decompose.

Of course, if that’s all too much information, just remember that 7 Card Studâ„¢ is the one food plot blend you can plant and know deer will be drawn in from the earliest bow season to the latest late season.

Make sure to get a soil test and use the correct amount lime to adjust your soil pH to about neutral (6.0 to 7.5). Soil pH is even more important than fertilizer if you want deer to be able to get the most nutrition from 7 Card Studâ„¢ or any other food plot plant.

For more information and helpful advice about your next food plot, visit www.evolved.com.

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1 comment

Paper-thin veggies make better, more creative summer salads August 27, 2015 - 8:07 am

[…] Stack the deck with Evolved Harvest 7 Card Stud Seed Blend Deer will devour the leafy green tops as well as the entire radish and roots. Forage radishes also help &#8230. Soil pH is even more important than fertiliser if you want deer to be able to get the most nutrition from 7 Card Studâ„¢ or any other food plot … Read more on Lone Star Outdoor News […]

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