Home Podcasts Dr. Dale on Quail: Blue Quail in Texas

Dr. Dale on Quail: Blue Quail in Texas

by Lili Keys

Hosted by Dr. Dale Rollins and Gary Joiner of Texas Farm Bureau

From the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation

This month’s episode of our Dr. Dale on Quail podcast focuses on the second most abundant, yet equally loved, quail species in Texas:  the blue quail.  Also known as the scaled quail or cottontops, blues prefer to run rather than fly, offering hunters a unique challenge compared to pursuing their bobwhite cousins.  Join Dr. Dale and Gary Joiner as they discuss the distribution of blue quail, distinctive characteristics of the species, blue quail research efforts and managing habitat for blues.  You’ll also hear plenty about hunting blue quail, including the outlook for this upcoming season and the differences between hunting blues versus bobs.

For more episodes of Dr. Dale on Quail click here: https://www.quailresearch.org/resources/#podcasts

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